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Beyond The Racing Line - Formula 1 Podcast

Jul 23, 2018

LOVE CONQUERS ALL! Well no one told us that! Geez, maybe we should start hugging it out to end every episode.

Yes the boys are back for another week. Just like the German GP we were flying this week and then the coffee left our system and for no apparent reason we lost it, we called Seb for advice but he was Grazzi Riggazzi (that's German for missing in action.....we think)

This week we take a review of the most unusual race of the year. Roger does his very best to now unconvince himself that Kimi is leaving, Justin left the cooker off and conveniently "forgot" to bring the heat on Hulkenberg and Tristan shares his love of reading and what clearly seems to be wayyyy too much free time and limited social life as he unpacks some of the FIA F1 regulations for those not in the know. All that plus news, driver ratings, fan questions, prizes and much much more on our 54th episode of Beyond The Racing Line.